What is a permanent shop?

InicioWhat is a permanent shop?
What is a permanent shop?

Weekly markets do not have permanent shops. … This is because when shops are in permanent buildings, they incur a lot of expenditure – they have to pay rent, electricity, fees to the government. They also have to pay wages to their workers. In weekly markets, these shop owners store the things they sell at home.


Q. What is the role of a retailer?

A retailer performs the dual functions of buying and assembling of goods. The responsibility of a retailer is to identify the most economical source for obtaining the goods from the suppliers and passing on the advantages to the consumer. The retailers perform the functions of warehousing and storing.

Q. What is the most expensive store on earth?

House of Bijan

Q. What is not a permanent shop?

Permanent shop is any shop which is the major business of its owner. If this shop provides the basic income to the owner and the land on which this shop functions is owned by the owner and not rented then the shop is known as a permanent shop. It can be any type of shop like groceries, chemists or fruit and vegetables.

Q. What is the difference between a hawker and a shop owner?

In what ways is a hawker different from a shop owner? Answer: Hawkers do not have permanent shops whereas shop owners have permanent shops. They generally sell items like vegetables and fruits. Their income levels are less than that of shop owners.

Q. Why weekly markets are cheaper than permanent shops?

Markets held on a weekly basis are known as weekly markets and they do not have permanent shops. The products here are cheaper because the do not have to incur expenses like wages pf workers, electricity. These shop owners sell things they produce at home and are helped by their family members.

Q. Why weekly markets are cheap?

Answer: The products in the weekly market are cheap because since these shops are not permanent, they save on expenses such as rent, electricity, and fees to the government. Since these are family-run, they also save the expenses of wages to workers.

Q. How chain of market is formed?

A chain of markets is formed when a number of traders supply goods from the producers to the consumers. We thus have wholesale markets where other dealers buy the goods in bulk. These dealers then sell the goods in weekly markets to consumers and thus a chain of markets is formed.

Q. Who is a retailer Class 11?

A retailer is one who stocks the manufactured goods and is involved in the act of selling to the final customer or consumer, at a margin of profit. Retailing is the last link that connecting the individual consumer with the manufacturing and distribution chain.

Q. Who is Retailer short answer?

A retailer is a person or business that you purchase goods from. Retailers typically don’t manufacture their own items. They purchase goods from a manufacturer or a wholesaler and sell these goods to consumers in small quantities.

Q. Why weekly markets are so called?

A weekly market is so called because it is held on a specific day of the week. Weekly markets do not have permanent shops. … This is because when shops are in permanent buildings, they incur a lot of expenditure – they have to pay rent, electricity, fees to the government. They also have to pay wages to their workers.

Q. What are the 7 classes of market Mcq?

Markets Around Us Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Column AColumn B
1. Retailer(c) Selling directly to consumer
2 Wholesaler(d) Buying and selling in large quantities
3. Trader(a) People between producer and consumer
4. Godown(b) Goods are stored here

Q. What is required for cashless Class 7?

what is required to do cashless shopping? People in urban areas can enter markets without stepping out of their homes via the Internet. They use their credit cards to make online purchases. … They use their credit cards to make online purchases.

Q. Who were Sufis Class 7?

Islam and Sufism

  • Sufis were Muslim mystics who rejected hypocrisy in religion and emphasised love and devotion to God and compassion for fellow human beings.
  • Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion which believes in submission to one God, rejects idol worship, and preaches collective worship of God.
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