What does Spec stand for?

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What does Spec stand for?

“Over the last 4 years I have built 2 spec homes and 16 custom homes. (All homes $350 – $700,000) The last spec home I built I sold for $455,000 at a profit of $29,000. (Just about like the scenario I described above).

Build to specification is when a business will have a supplier manufacture a component that is a specific size and has specific parameters regarding its operation.

Q. Who pays for Build suit?

Most build-to-suit properties are freestanding, meaning that they only have one tenant. Build-to-suit leases are typically triple net leases. This means that the tenant is responsible for property taxes, building insurance, and most maintenance and repair costs for the duration of the lease.

Q. Are spec homes good?

1. Spec Homes Are Affordably Priced. It should come as no surprise that one of the greatest benefits to purchasing a spec home are the savings, and those savings are not from where you’d expect. … Quality home builders invest their time in blueprints and design plans they know will turn into sturdy and reliable homes.

Q. Are spec homes profitable?


SPECSpecial (special operations)
SPECStandard Performance Evaluation Corporation

Q. What is Spec slang?

specification. specification is used in Slang. The word spec is used in Slang meaning specification.

Q. Is it Spect or spec?

People wear spectacles because their vision is flawed. Spectacles is an old-fashioned word, but it means something you probably see — and maybe even use — every day: eyeglasses. … An ophthalmologist (eye doctor) can test your eyes and see if you need spectacles. You can also call spectacles glasses or specs.

Q. Is spec a real word?

verb (used with object), spec‘d or specked or specced, spec‘·ing or speck·ing or spec·cing. to provide specifications for: The custom turbocharger was spec‘d by our mechanic.

Q. What is the root of spec?

spec-, root. –spec– comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “look at; examine.

Q. What does spec out mean?

verb – transitive to write a spec (specification.) Over the next week I’m going to spec out the new UI framework.

Q. What does Spec mean on a car?

Car specifications

Q. What does high spec mean on a car?

Simply put, the higher the horsepower, the stronger a car’s engine. For example, if you are looking at two identical cars in weight and form, but one has an engine with higher horsepower, this car will be faster.

Q. What is 2.5 Litre engine?

Answered 3 years ago. Originally Answered: What does a 2.

Q. What is another word for spec?

What is another word for spec?

routineplan of action

Q. What is the past tense of spec?

The Forms of Spec

Infinitiveto spec
Present Tensespec / specs
Past Tensespecced
Present Participlespeccing
Past Participlespecced

Q. What is the full form of specs?

Spec means Specification. We have found 5 more results for Spec. Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. Technological Organizations.

Q. What does specs mean in gaming?

A term largely used in MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) where you are given the chance to rebuild your character’s ability set. This is often granted for free as a result of game changes over time that may have rendered your… This is really just gamer jargon.

Q. What is the best PC specs for gaming?

Price: If affordability is your concern, most decent gaming PCs start around $700 to $1,000. For that price, you’re looking at specs such as Intel Core i3 and Core i5 processors, Nvidia 1660 and 1660 Ti GPUs and 8GB to 16GB of RAM. Performance: Think about the type of gaming experience you’re after.

Q. What specs do I need for a gaming computer?

Your basic setup should contain the following:

  • Central processing unit (CPU)
  • Motherboard.
  • CPU cooler.
  • Random access memory (RAM)
  • Graphics processing unit (GPU)
  • Hard drive (HDD) or solid state drive (SSD)
  • Peripherals (mouse, monitor, keyboard)

Q. What are good specs for a home computer?

Experts recommend at least 8 gigabytes of memory, but 16 GB offers better performance. For gaming and other power-computing uses, 16 GB is the minimum you should consider. Although DDR3 memory was the standard for desktop computers for many years, DDR4 is now preferred.

Q. What is the newest computer 2020?

  • Apple 21.

    Q. What are the top 5 computer brands?

    Top 10 Best Computer Brands and Laptop Manufacturers

    • Apple.
    • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    • Dell.
    • Lenovo.
    • Asus.
    • Acer.
    • Toshiba.
    • Samsung.

    Q. What PC does Clix use?

    What PC does Clix use? Clix uses the Intel Core i9-9900K CPU, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphic card, and Asus ROG MAXIMUS XI HERO motherboard with 64 GB ram sticks of HYPERX FURY.

    Q. What PC does Ronaldo use?


    Q. What PC does Ninja use?


    Q. Is a gaming PC worth the money?

    Yes it’s worth it. Games are also much cheaper on PC. Make a steam account if you haven’t done so already, there will be a huge sale in just a few weeks (:. Games aren’t that much cheaper…

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    What Does "SPEC" Stand For?

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